Yes you'll keep your progress. Ubisoft savegames are account-bound. There is a way to move install folder in Steam. No reason to uninstall and download it again first. ^Yep. Steam, settings, downloads, steam libraries, create a library on the ssd. Then rightclick game, properties, local files, move location.
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Unlike AC Games, where you can have multiple save slots, I don't think Far Cry allows the freedom to do the same, I know you can't in FC6, been a while since I played FC5. Reply reply Kechioma
Item description: PC Far Cry 5 SaveGame 100%. To install: Copy to C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\ STRINGOFRANDOMCHARACTERS\. Status. THE STORYLINE DONE 100%. Download: Click Download and in a few moments you will receive the download dialog. Related Forum: PC Gaming Forum.
Save Location (saves location to local file) Helpers. Generate Memory Records (helper script for generating "teleport to save" scripts from saves) Far Cry 5: Save These files intricately capture a player's in-game progress, from their character's location to critical decisions made in the storyline, ensuring seamless continuity when they resume play. With the evolution of online gaming platforms, PC Far Cry 5 SaveGame Save Game file downloads have surged in popularity. Players frequently click on the PC These files intricately capture a player's in-game progress, from their character's location to critical decisions made in the storyline, ensuring seamless continuity when they resume play. With the evolution of online gaming platforms, PC Far Cry 3 SaveGame 100% All DLC Save Game file downloads have surged in popularity. Players frequently Hey, I would like to start a new save on Far Cry 5, but don't really want to go through 27 minutes long prologue in the beggining. I tried a couple saves from the internet and they did not work, is there anyone who could upload the save right after getting out of Dutch's bunker? Thanks to everyone with help in advance! < > GSZ2.