A bootable business card ( BBC) is a CD-ROM that has been cut, pressed, or molded to the size and shape of a business card (designed to fit in a wallet or pocket). Alternative names for this form factor include "credit card", "hockey rink", and " wallet -size". The cards are designed to hold about 50 MB. The CD-ROM business cards are generally
To do this, run the following command: $ mkdir [dir-name] && cd $_. For example: $ mkdir howtoforge && cd $_. As you might already know, the && operator is used for executing multiple commands, and $_ expands to the last argument of the previous command. 8. How to create a directory named ‘-’ and switch to it.
For further clarification: In the OP's example, cd \ escapes the end-of-line (the Return key). This means that the terminal is still waiting for the rest of the command. The prompt > shows that it is waiting. The usual prompt shows the current directory, which is why it shows / after using cd /.
type display information about command type on Linux. (see man page for more info) we have 4 command types: Built-in Shell Commands Shell Functions Command Alias excutable Programs . for example: # type ll ll is aliased to `ls -l --color=auto' # type cd cd is a shell builtin # type sudo sudo is /usr/bin/sudotviBz4.