Hi, I am looking for the engine number on the engine itself, basically the engine is shot and I'm in the process of fitting another, just want to find the
Hi. I have 2001 X reg Punto HLX with a 1.2 16v petrol engine. The number 2 cylinder is not firing. I have tested the spark plugs and also moved the number two spark to another cylinder and vice versa. The number 2 still fails to fire. I then took each spark plug out int turn, fired the engine and held it next to the head.
Fiat Punto 1.2 16V Dynamic Speedgear 03/2002 Internal combustion engine (Otto) - Front-wheel (FWD) - 59 kW / 80 HP - 1242 ccm Fiat Punto 1.2 16V Dynamic Speedgear 2002 Internal combustion engine (Otto) - Front-wheel (FWD) - 59 kW / 80 HP - 1242 ccm Fiat Punto 1.2 16V ELX 09/1999 Internal combustion engine (Otto) - Front-wheel (FWD) - 59 kW / 80
Radiador Agua 46788046 734225 FIAT PUNTO 2 2000 1,2 16V 25 € Centralina Motor Fiat Punto 1.2 16v de 2001. Peças e acessórios carro. Porto.
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Dear friends i am from Malta so excuse my bad English i just want to share a problem of Fiat Punto , some time ago i have bought this car was advert for spares or repairs the problem was that this car is very low on power it runs and starts but just wont rev high max speed on flat road on 2nd gear was just 40 km ( Not MPH ) the seller told me
Punto II (188) 1.2 16V 3-Drs 1.910cc, 63kW (86pk), FWD, 188A7000, 2001-10 / 2012-03. Wanneer u interesse heeft in een bepaalde Fiat Punto motor die op ons
JRRS. n83njxgupr.pages.dev/145n83njxgupr.pages.dev/370n83njxgupr.pages.dev/409n83njxgupr.pages.dev/62n83njxgupr.pages.dev/437n83njxgupr.pages.dev/302n83njxgupr.pages.dev/455n83njxgupr.pages.dev/402
motor fiat punto 1.2 16v 2001