In 2021, around 6% of emissions were in countries or sectors that had a carbon tax. 20% were covered by a trading system. This means that, in total, a carbon price had to be paid on 26% of global emissions. We see the share of global CO 2 emissions that are covered by each in the chart. The map also shows the share of emissions in each country
1. China . China is the largest emitter of carbon dioxide gas in the world, with 11,336 million metric tons emitted in 2021. The primary source of CO 2 emissions in China is fossil fuels, most
Other EU member countries are also in the process of introducing consumer-friendly labels. Obligatory vehicle CO 2 emission limits [ edit ] European Union Directive No 443/2009 set a mandatory average fleet CO 2 emissions target for new cars, after a voluntary commitment made in 1998 and 1999 by the auto industry had failed to reduce emissions
The 330m sport utility vehicles on the roads produced emissions equivalent to the combined national emissions of the UK and Germany last year. If SUVs were a country, they would rank as the sixth
Its emissions have fallen just 1 percent, but Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that the country’s adoption of a hefty new carbon tax would help meet the new targets.