Jean-Michel Jarre vo svojej hudobníckej kariére absolvoval neskutočné veci. Od jeho tretieho albumu Oxygéne, ktorý nahral sám doma a predal 12 miliónov krát, sa vezie na vlne vypredaných koncertov a albumových úspechov. Napriek tomu, že mainstreamová elektronika je dnes plná mladých, hladných a aktívnych interpretov, veterán Equinoxe is reckoned to be the greatest synthesizer album ever.. To not love Jarre is not to be human (or at least be deaf). A hint, best listened to on a decent stereo sound system, (or headphones). A lot of stereo recordings sound shit on modern HT surround sound systems, which are optimized (over processed) for movie sound effects not proper music, plus they have pretty pathetic loudspeaker

Jean Michel-Jarre will have a tres merry Christmas and also offer some joy to the world, with the French electronic pioneer set to perform from Versailles on Dec. 25.

Find Jean-Michel Jarre tickets on SeatGeek! Discover the best deals on Jean-Michel Jarre tickets, seating charts, seat views and more info!
Charlotte Sands. wed 5/6/2024 Chapeau Rouge, Prague, cz. Tickets. List of all Jean-Michel Jarre gigs, tickets and tour dates for 2024 and 2025. Choose a gig or festival and buy tickets at once.
JEAN-MICHEL JARRE has been one of the pioneering forces throughout the electronic music scene over the last five decades, having originally made his name in
Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew Named in New Jeffrey Epstein Documents. 14 mins ago. Explore Jean-Michel Jarre's music on Billboard. Get the latest news, biography, and updates on the artist.

About the Concert: Jean-Michel Jarre, VRrOOm, and VRChat are happy to invite you to the live preview of Jean-Michel Jarre's latest opus "Oxymore", an immersive concert which will be simultaneously played at the Hyper Weekend Festival's first edition @Maison de la Radio in Paris in multicanal format, and on VRChat in 6DoF binaural format, in an

by Danzig997 on 4/22/18Paramount Theatre - Seattle. A Masterpiece! An evening of history and illumination, full of energy and exciting sounds. French composer Jean-Michel Jarre — is one of the most energetic performers in live electronica today.
Jean Michel Jarre is one of the best-known and most-beloved live performers in the world. He was the first Western artist invited to perform in China. In 1979, he performed in front of a million people at the Place de la Concorde in Paris. Jean-Michel Jarre performed on the big stage at the front entrance of the building of Moscow State University – known as the MGU image. The performance was dedicated to significant events and the city history, which fragments were projected onto the facade, which is 400m wide and 250 m high (later, it was called a “mapping show”).
A 40. évforduló, illetve a folytatás, az Oxygene 7-13 huszadik születésnapja alkalmából Jean-Michel Jarre teljessé tette a trilógiát a 2016. december 2-án megjelent Oxygene 3 albummal, amelyen 7 új dal kapott helyet, 14-20-ig sorszámozva.
Electronic music pioneer and composer, Jean-Michel Jarre talks to Headliner from his recording studio in Paris.He explains how his latest album celebrates th UPIa.
  • jean michel jarre koncert 2022