9.get earth as soon as u can,main magic,expert slow,shield,armor is very good esp.for skells. 10.never get a mage hero.Consequences is that might hero will be as good as mage and have higher att and defence. 11.expert slow and liches/vamps is a good combination to eliminate enemy.1st cast slow,wait with vamps,wait with liches(if needed)
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia; Heroes of Might and Magic IV; Necropolis x7; Strategy [] Like in the previous scenario, one hero should
Heroes of Might and Magic III: Armageddon's Blade. New features; Walkthrough. Armageddon's Blade; Dragon's Blood; Dragon Slayer; Festival of Life; Playing With Fire; Foolhardy Waywardness; Appendices. Additional Creatures; Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow of Death. New features; Walkthrough. Campaigns. New Beginning; Elixir of Life
Necropolis is an evil alignment town with necromancer and death knight hero classes. Necropolis represents Deyja. "Necropolis towns are overrun and ruled by undead creatures. They are the natural bases for the Necromancer and Death Knight hero types. Necropolis armies have many units with abilities to weaken their opponents. This quickly gives them an edge over equal or even more powerful
Full Walkthrough of Heroes of Might and Magic V By フリーレン Frieren DISCLAIMER: Before raging in the comments that this walkthrough is too long, pay attention to the title it is full walkthrough, so that means it is neither speedrun nor fast walkthrough.
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