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View all 36 consumer vehicle reviews for the Used 2007 BMW 5 Series 530i 4dr Sedan (3.0L 6cyl 6M) on Edmunds, or submit your own review of the 2007 5 Series.
2006 BMW 530i E60 111,000 Miles . Save Share. Reply Quote. 1 - 20 of 29 Posts. 1 2. pcy. It's a common problem with these engines: Usually cyl 6 misfires, but
BMW iDrive NAV Failure Due to CCC / CIC Problems. The navigation system may work intermittently. The cost to repair or replace the CCC navigation unit at BMW dealerships varies between $1000 and $1600. Another popular solution for BMW owners is to use a third-party vendor who offers BMW CCC Repair on eBay and will repair your existing unit.
Peter Paul. 2 posts · Joined 2021. #9 · Nov 28, 2021. I have 17 BMW 530i G30 M Sports CBU. Issues I encountered. 1. Start/Stop works sometimes more often than not got to press couple of times. 2. Morning start, moment release the brake pedal there is jolt.
If that does not solve the problem, go after #4 (Vanos seal). Remember the oil pump supplies oil to the Oil Filter Housing to feed the engine. On the Oil Filter Housing's back side, there is a feed for the Vanos as well. If the Vanos seals start to leak (common problems after 8yr/80K miles), you will get 2 symptoms: - Erratic idle when Engine